The Best Sunglasses for Dry Eye Sufferers

Dry eyes can be an incredibly frustrating experience that hampers your day-to-day life if left untreated. Finding the proper protection for your eyes when dealing with dry eye symptoms can sometimes be challenging. Fortunately, the experts at Helena Vision Care in Helena, AL, are here to assist you in finding the perfect sunglasses for dry eyes. Continue reading to learn what to look for when choosing sunglasses for your condition.

Protection From UV Light

UV light can severely damage the eyes and cause macular degeneration and cataracts. This light can also exacerbate dry eye symptoms and further reduce tear production. While all sunglasses provide some level of protection from UV light, not all sunglasses are equal in terms of protecting against the sun’s harsh glare. Find sunglasses with a label saying they block 98 percent or more of UVA and UVB rays. You can even have UV protection added to most prescription sunglasses lenses.

Blue Light-Blocking Sunglasses

While many people associate blue light with digital screens, did you know the sun also emits blue light? Too much blue light exposure can worsen your dry eye symptoms. You can also experience difficulty sleeping because of too much blue light. Your eye doctor can provide prescription sunglasses with specialty coatings to block blue light.

Moderately Intense Lenses

While more intense lenses will not increase UV protection, these sunglasses can help reduce dry eye symptoms. Sunglasses with at least 20-40 percent intensity can reduce glare without completely blocking out light and straining your eyes. Polarized lenses can also help add some extra protection against reflective surfaces like water or snow.

Wraparound or Close-Fitting Styles

Prescription sunglasses with side protection can protect your eyes from dirt, pollen, and other irritants. These can exacerbate dry eye symptoms and cause other eye and vision problems. Wraparound sunglasses or frames with heavier/thicker side arms are the best frame options for people with dry eyes.

Contact Helena Vision Care to Protect Your Eye and Vision Health Today

Helena Vision Care in Helena, AL, can help you find the perfect pair of sunglasses for easing your dry eye symptoms while improving your vision. Call us and schedule an appointment today at (205) 664-7577 to protect your eye and vision health with prescription sunglasses.

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